Wednesday Winter Training
You must be track certified to participate in beginner training. See our Certification Class page for details.
Wednesday Winter Training will only be held in March.
Temperatures need to be above 40F at 6:00 pm to open the gates @ 6:30pm. Gates close @ 8:00 pm so we can enjoy pizza at OZ.
Winter/Spring brings seen and unseen dangers to the velodrome.
Before riding the track verify it’s safe to ride – look for these and other unsafe conditions:
1. leaves are slippery even when not wet – clear them before riding!
2. verify there is no condensation on the track before riding!
3. clear of any water, ice and snow!
4. springtime pollen is also slippery!
It’s a new year so please print, complete and sign a new ATRA release wavier and bring it with you.
We need your help with managing waivers – so please scan/take a picture of your signed release wavier and email it with your full name in the subject line to:[email protected]
Fee’s to ride the velodrome can be found on the Waiver & Fee page.
You also pay your fees at our shop page.
If you purchased a pass last year then you are good to go until April 1st – all others will need to pay $5 per day or purchase a new pass.